Alex McDonald is a Chartered Electrical Engineer who has worked in building services design since the late 1990’s.
Alex started ES&D in April 2020, having left a Partner role in the corporate property sector where Alex led a team of Engineers who worked in tandem with property professionals including Business Space Agents, Building Surveyors, Asset Managers, Project Managers, Lease Advisors and Quantity Surveyors.
As an Engineer with insight into corporate property and engineering consultancy Alex is uniquely placed to ensure that clients get both what they need and what they want to improve the building services workflow. Whether they are developers, managers or occupiers we can help make managing buildings or fit outs less complicated.
We want to make what appears complicated, simple.
The thought of dealing with M&E services puts a shiver up many a person’s back.
Whether it’s a bad experience with a Building Services Engineer, the costs they never realised were involved or just buildings that perform below expectaions – we want you to feel in control and informed about your building and your projects.
On a new build project, Mechanical Electrical & Public Health (MEP) can be 30% of the build cost of a simple building and 40% of the build cost of a complex building.
With fit outs and refurbishments, the MEP cost proportion is higher, possibly 50% of the investment, it’s important to get the right advice which reflects the needs of both the property and the investor.
Or goal is to provide the right M&E advice that makes your life easier.
Alex ‘served his time’ in the 1980’s as an electrician working in installation, maintenance and plant equipment servicing rolls, primarily in the oil and nuclear sectors. After a period of travelling whilst working, Alex started night school obtaining an ONC and two HNC’s.
Alex joined NEC Semiconductors (UK) Ltd as a technician at their Livingston Plant where he progressed through the technical grades and was promoted to Engineer whilst studying for an Electrical Power Honours Degree at Glasgow Caledonian University (part time).
By the time NEC Semiconductors closed in 2002 Alex was already an accomplished designer and departed ‘Silicon Glen’ as a Senior Engineer.
From 2002 until 2017 Alex worked in Building Services Consultancies through a number of roles, and left consulting as a Regional Director to take the Partner’s position with Cushman and Wakefield.
At Cushman and Wakefield Alex led a team of Engineers that collaborated and coordinated across the business with all aspects of the CW professional services, from confirming feasibility, designing fit outs, advising on dilapidations negations to advising on individual building’s maintenance.
The team worked both in the UK and Europe to advise clients in the commercial property, hotel, leisure and primary healthcare sectors.
Alex now works directly with clients to assist Developers, Design teams and Property Managers across the Property Sector.
our services
We offer specialist mechanical, Electrical, Public Health (MEP) building surveying providing the tailored specific support building surveyors need to complete accurate reports for both detailed and short form surveys.
We understand design. With 25 years dedicated M&E design experience in all we can help with full building design, D&B proposals and project monitoring when you just need reasonable, considered straight forward advice.
Guiding our clients through the complexities of Building Services protecting their property assets. We provide forward maintenance planning, plantroom and systems condition assessment, maintenance protocols and switching programmes for HV/complex LV maintenance.